October MiNavigator Newsletter

For our October issue, we felt it was a good time to provide some professional guidance and interpretation for Michigan’s new Seclusion and Restraint legislation – being implemented across the state this school year. Many of you may not realize the impact of these new laws, but for some parents who have experienced previously unfair (and in some cases, unsafe) practices of seclusion and restraint against their own child, the significance of this educational reform cannot be understated.

AAoM’s September MiNavigator Newsletter

Well, September is upon us. It is back to school time, change of seasons, busier daily schedules and of course, more stress. This month, we feature Tracey Cohen, who shares her story (and love) of running and how this activity has provided her with a healthy outlet for the challenges she has faced living with autism. It is truly inspiring and we hope you will take some lessons from Tracey. Additionally, we are always conscious that the start of the school year is a good opportunity for families (and providers) to be thinking long term – planning for a child’s future, not just for this year, but even multiple years down the road, when he/she will become a young adult. We hope you will share the information with families, working together in this planning process. Happy September!

AAoM Knows Safety

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Summer is finally here!

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Over 140 People Receive Support at the Navigating Autism Today Regional Conference in Frankenmuth

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Meet Your Navigators–Emma Tryson

At Autism Alliance of Michigan, the soul of our programs is our Navigator Team. We rave about this group all year long, so, we want to spend some time highlighting out heroes–our Navigators.

This team of dedicated individuals works day and night to find answers to all autism questions. They spend the time researching so so caretakers can focus on what’s most important–their loved ones with autism.

So here is our 2nd installment of Meet Your AAoM Navigators. We sat down with Emma Tryson, who was one of the original Navigators on our team.

Building A Gross Motor Plan

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Meet Your Navigators–Roba Hrisseh

At Autism Alliance of Michigan, the soul of our programs is our Navigator Team. We rave about this group all year long, so this April, we want to spend some time highlighting out heroes–our Navigators.

This team of dedicated individuals works day and night to find answers to all autism questions. They spend the time researching so so caretakers can focus on what’s most important–their loved ones with autism.

So here is our 1st installment of Meet Your AAoM Navigators. We sat down with Roba Hrisseh, who was one of the original Navigators on our team.

Happy Holidays Autism Community!

As another year passes, we know that many parents are consumed with overwhelming concerns about their child’s well-being once they are gone. Financial planning becomes critical and information about MiAble and Special Needs Trusts can be empowering in this regard. We hope the information in this issue is valuable to you and the families you serve.

Holiday Tips From An Autism Parent

While sometimes the mixture of autism and the holidays can produce stale fruit bread (instead of spiced eggnog), it doesn’t make the holiday season any less special. Christmas, for our family, is honestly one of the best times for the year, but it doesn’t come easy. It requires planning, a positive attitude and the willingness to be flexible.

Welcome To The MiNavigator Newsletter!

All of us at AAoM are so pleased to bring you this first newsletter which we plan to distribute monthly. Given the many statewide initiatives and reform efforts which we have collectively navigated over the past several years, combined with new, innovative projects, community events, and other developments, we felt a more regular means of communication was essential to keeping you informed. We are also hoping this communication will serve as an effective tool for service providers, as well, in keeping the autism community informed of your own developments, program offerings, and events, as a way to better reach our families across the state.