Growing up 4th of July was not just the highlight of summer vacation but the entire year. There is just something special about colorful explosions painting the night sky accompanied by the big brass of John Phillips Sousa or the Patriotic taps of George Cohen that beats Santa and his army of elves any day.
Tag: Tips
Holiday Tips From An Autism Parent
While sometimes the mixture of autism and the holidays can produce stale fruit bread (instead of spiced eggnog), it doesn’t make the holiday season any less special. Christmas, for our family, is honestly one of the best times for the year, but it doesn’t come easy. It requires planning, a positive attitude and the willingness to be flexible.
5 Tips for a Successful Autism-Friendly Halloween
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7 Tips for a Happy Holiday Season with your Loved One Affected by Autism
Holiday: A holiday is a day set aside by custom or by law on which normal activities, especially business or work, are suspended or reduced. Wikipedia While many of us look