Growing up 4th of July was not just the highlight of summer vacation but the entire year. There is just something special about colorful explosions painting the night sky accompanied by the big brass of John Phillips Sousa or the Patriotic taps of George Cohen that beats Santa and his army of elves any day.
Tag: Holiday
Sensory Friendly Holiday events
Holidays can be stressful and overwhelming for Special Needs families, individuals with different sensory processing abilities can become easily overstimulated given larger crowds, lights, music, and the temptation of toys. Retail and organizations across our state are becoming increasingly aware of the struggles facing families, as a result more Sensory Friendly activities and events are available.
7 Tips for a Happy Holiday Season with your Loved One Affected by Autism
Holiday: A holiday is a day set aside by custom or by law on which normal activities, especially business or work, are suspended or reduced. Wikipedia While many of us look