Spectrum Social Network
Create a welcoming group of young adults on the Spectrum including but not limited to Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome. It is imperative to coordinate fun and informative peer socialization opportunities for this population to maintain healthy socialization.
The inspiration to organize this group is to inspire young people on the spectrum to communicate and become involved with similar like minded young adults. The Awareness Group will promote appropriate socialization and communication skills with young adults
Seeking Participants:
Ethnically diverse young adults, males and females, 21 to 35 years of age. The group will be comprised of high functioning young adults that experience trouble with socialization skills and have difficulty building relationships with peers. Participants must be able to communicate and function independently. Various activities could include dancing, indoor/outdoor activities, video and board games; along with movies, swimming and computer training.
Kathleen Murphy, Founder
Organizer, group leader, and founder. Kathleen Murphy has 25 years experience with Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome. Her education includes a Bachelor of Arts in Health Care Administration and a Masters Degree in Business Administration. She has a passion for elevating the Autism and Asperger’s Community.
Group Focus
This group will focus on individuals who are lonely, depressed, have low self-esteem and need to relate and socialize with others on the spectrum
Location: N/A, Southfield, MI 48034
Contact Number:
Administrative Contact Number:
Administrative Email:
Category: Autism Therapies
Service: Social Skills Programming