Tackle it Tuesday: Food At Home

Welcome to Tackle It Tuesday, a social media series where an autistic employee at AAoM (yours truly) writes workplace (and now more!) tips to better cope with the stresses of a world not built for neurodiversity.

While creating the latest entry for AAoM’s social platforms, I realized that social media alone isn’t the ideal archive for all the past Tackle It Tuesday entries, as it shares space with all the other important work AAoM does. So, this blog companion was born!

This Tackle it Tuesday is on keeping up with food at home. For the new year, I want to expand Tackle it Tuesday to include all of the trials and tribulations that come with being an autistic adult in an allistic society.

An image with a green background. At the bottom, there is a mini fridge cabinet
The text reads: "Tackle it Tuesday: Food at Home
Sometimes, the old adage of “we have food at home” is true. Some days, you gotta make your own food.
Thankfully, there are ways to make that task feel easier."

An image with a green background. At the bottom right, there is a food pyramid, with junk food at the top, fruits and vegetables on the second to top layer, then meats and dairy, and finally grains.
The text reads: "Tackle it Tuesday: Food Pyramid
I’m no nutritionist, but I do know that different foods do different things for your body. As much as you can, find safe foods in every food group. 
Having a variety of foods, especially healthier ones, means less time spent in bed, the doctor’s, or the bathroom."

An image with a green background. At the bottom, there is a set of papers with various recipes, the top one being a recipe for cinnamon toast.The text reads: "Tackle it Tuesday: Recipe Making
Have recipes you know how to make, both in a pinch and when you want more? Write them down."
An image with a green background. At the bottom, there is a set of papers with various recipes, the top one being a recipe for cinnamon toast.The text reads: "Tackle it Tuesday: Recipe Making
That way, it feels less overwhelming when choosing food and choosing how to make said food. 
Categorizing them by effort too, even a mini spoon scale."
An image with a green background. At the bottom, there is a person in a purple shirt cooking a soup over an electric stove. In the back, there is a laptop on the counter playing a video with the soup recipe.The text reads: "Tackle it Tuesday: Recipe Making
Sometimes a written recipe might not be enough either: body doubling works by watching a step by step video of a recipe. 
That way, you can rewind and follow every step."

An image with a green background. At the bottom, there are three plastic containers with red lids labeled "Day 1" "Day 2" and "Day 3".
The text reads: "Tackle it Tuesday: Meal Prep
Meal Prep 2-3 days of meals in advance! This prevents food from spoiling and gives you time on days when you can’t cook.
I have heard advice for  freezing 6 days in advance, though I’d advise against that for food safety’s sake."

An image with a green background. At the bottom, there is a set of dirty dishes, from bowls to spoons to glasses to plates.The text reads: "Tackle it Tuesday: Dishes
Whatever dishes you pile in the sink when you’re cooking? Clean them or put them in the dishwasher as soon as possible, because man they will pile up."



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