Direct Support Professionals Initiative

Contributed by AAoM’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee

During this year of uncertainty, the Autism Alliance of Michigan created the Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee (DEI).  Part of our mission is to provide families with information that can help the community at large. This year Michigan Legislators passed a temporary $2 wage increase to Direct Support Professionals (DSP) during the pandemic to honor the crucial care they offer to thousands of individuals with developmental disabilities, especially those with higher needs. With 40% of the DSP workforce being individuals of color this is a topic the Committee is interested in highlighting. A staggering 54% of DSP’s currently rely on public assistance to maintain a living wage. This legislative effort clearly displays the pay inequity DSP’s earn compared to their counterparts. In the season of giving, AAoM DEI is asking you to please take the time to learn more about DSP’s crucial role in the pandemic and reach out to your state legislators here to make your voice heard in encouraging the wage increase to continue on permanently after 2020.  

Stay tuned for more to come from DEI!