Using Technology to Address a Common Need: How the All Smiles Shine App is Working to Build Ease Around Dental Visits

Contributed by Erik Gallery, BCBA, LBA, Navigator Manager

A trip to the dentist’s office isn’t a highly preferred activity for most people. Even a visit for just a cleaning can produce feelings of anxiety…strange instruments pushed into our personal space, surrounded by uncommon sounds, being unsure if we’ll experience pain…it’s easy to see why our bodies experience that anxiety. For a person experiencing needs with Autism, these sensations can be significantly heightened. 


Besides those of us that experience those feelings personally, there are families dealing with the challenges of either complying with visits to the dentist, or stuck trying to find a dental provider that can aid them in meeting their needs. 

Between building greater understanding among our dental providers, aiming to build and adapt more sensory friendly facilities, and addressing the direct needs that persons experience…there is much work to be done in creating more effective and affirming dental visits. One group is working to produce some concentrated effort among one of those needs. 


InfiniTeach is a nonprofit organization made up of a neurodiverse team of technology developers, autistic self-advocates, and allies. Learn more about InfiniTeach here:


Relating to dental needs, one of InfiniTeach’s recent projects is the All Smiles Shine mobile application. This application has been created in partnership with the Delta Dental Foundation and Project Accessible Oral Health. 

All Smiles Shine is a free mobile app that can aid children in building their comfortability with visiting the dentist. The app includes:

  • Social narratives that explain the steps of a dental visit 
  • Exercises to support relaxation 
  • At-home preventative care tools 
  • Additional resources for caregivers


The app also allows a family to create a profile for their child, which can be shared with the dental provider. Caregivers can indicate sensory likes and dislikes, communication preferences, and interests that can be used to help cultivate a successful visit to the dentist. 

It should be noted that InfiniTeach is still actively working towards building the accessibility of this tool. In the app’s next version, it is planned to include similar resources for Autistic adults that are also experiencing these needs. 


The app is free to download via the Apple App Store / Google Play: 


If you are in the process of seeking a dental provider, options can be found through AAoM’s Resource Directory:

You can always reach out to one of our Navigators through the MiNavigator program if seeking individualized consultation or support for this need, or any other related to Autism.

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