Please join AAoM in our support of Michigan’s Direct Care Workers. Our behavioral health system is facing serious impacts without the action of our legislature. We ask that you take the time to review the one-click Action Alert our colleagues at The Arc of Michigan have presented. Use this tool to offer your voice in benefit of the persons that serve those we love, and keep our behavioral health system intact.
Let members of the Legislature know you expect them to protect Michigan’s most vulnerable residents by ensuring adequate compensation for the state’s Direct Care Workers. Connecting with your lawmakers only takes seconds. Just fill out the information below and click “send email”.
When a Michigan resident experiences a mental illness or developmental disability, they should be able to hire the help they need to ensure their safety and well-being. But right now, they can’t. In today’s tight labor market, it isn’t easy to find a Direct Care Worker, whether looking for care for yourself, or a loved one, or hiring an employee for your agency. This leaves our state’s most vulnerable residents at risk. The House budget recommendations are a solid beginning and can help us begin to get the job done. We strongly back the House proposed $2.50/hour increase for Michigan’s 50,000 Direct Care Workers in the behavioral health system in the Fiscal Year 2024 budget, and look forward to continuing to bring our DCWs the compensation they need and deserve.