Specialisterne USA

About Us Specialisterne is an internationally recognized leader in harnessing the talents of people on the autism spectrum and other neurodivergent people by providing them with the opportunity to sustain

Mala Child & Family Institute

Why Mala A mala consists of beads strung on a string. Each bead represents one. However, the bead is not alone, but is connected with all the other beads to

Disability Rights Michigan

DRM advocates and lawyers advise individuals with disabilities of their rights and responsibilities and advocate for their human, civil and legal rights within the state of Michigan. DRM has broad

The Arc of Mid-Michigan

Our mission is to empower people with developmental disabilities in Shiawassee, Ingham, Clinton, and Eaton counties to participate in and be fully included in the community.

The Arc Michigan

Our Mission  The mission of The Arc Michigan is to ensure that people with Developmental Disabilities are valued in order that they and their families can participate fully in and

The Arc Lekotek

Lekotek is a worldwide system of support for families with children who have disabilities.  Lekotek is a Swedish made up word for play library.  The first Lekotek was started in

Black Family Development Inc.

Black Family Development, Inc. (BFDI) is a private, non-profit comprehensive family counseling agency that was created in 1978 by the Detroit Chapter of the National Association of Black Social Workers

Sharyn J Gallatin, PLLC

I am a  special needs attorney for over 15 years, specializing in IEP and Section 504 plan enforcement and creation. I advocate on behalf of children against school districts to

The Ability Center

The Ability Center serves northwest Ohioans living with disabilities through a number of programs developed to support independent living. Our programs are often funded by grants and/or philanthropic donations with

Academic and Behavior Consultants

Brenda Mann MA Ed-Educator with over 25 years of experience and Mom who “GETS IT” Educating in both public and private schools for over 20 years I saw a tremendously

START Project

START Project The Statewide Autism Resources and Training (START) Project is housed in the Grand Valley State University (GVSU) Autism Education Center (AEC) and is funded by the Michigan Department

Jackson Autism Support Network

Jackson Autism Support Network is a non-profit organization founded by parents of children with autism. JASN’s mission is to educate the community and support families affected by autism. We provide

Autism GRACE of Lenawee

Autism GRACE of Lenawee is a non-profit still awaiting our 501(c)3 status. We provide journey appropriate support groups, resources, advocacy, community events and empowerment for individuals with autism and their

Mid-Michigan Facilitation

Mid-Michigan Facilitation conducts Person Centered Plans. I help an individual bring a group of people together to focus on their goals and their dreams. Through the person centered planning process

Association for Science in Autism Treatment

First and foremost, we provide a well-respected, comprehensive website that tackles the array of considerations surrounding autism treatment. Our website is the go-to source for research summaries of the full

Autism Family Network

Autism Family Network is a Michigan nonprofit 501(c)3 organization formed for the purpose of supporting, providing opportunities for and raising awareness of individuals who have autism and their families. We

Autism Support of West Shore

Autism Support of West Shore (ASWS) is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization advocating and supporting meaningful participation in all aspects of life for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder and their

Boxing Autism

Meets at The Commons, 7526 Grand River Ave, Brighton The Boxing Autism Club of Livingston County is a charitable organization created to provide support, policy advocacy and educational resources for

Family Alliance Network

Family Alliance Network (FAN)-is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that support families in the special needs community with parent meetings, workshops, youth programs, social events and youth employment. It is our

Disability Advocates of Kent County

Veteran Support Disability Advocates of Kent County supports Veterans with disabilities by providing independent living resources and guidance and work-related training experiences. Disability Education Programs Become as informed as possible

Mid-Michigan Autism Association

The Mid-Michigan Autism Association (MMAA) is made up of local people working to improve the quality of life for individuals and families living with developmental disability in Mid-Michigan. In 2008,

Newaygo County Autism Community

We are parents, school professionals, and community members who actively seek to support and advocate for persons with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and their families. We strive to increase Awareness,

Friends of Different Learner

Friends of Different Learners is a group of parents with children from preschool to adult who have been through the trenches and have years of experience navigating the Birmingham Public


Sib4Sib now provides a variety of resources including support groups, advocacy services, networking, and social outings for individuals ages 6-18 with a sibling who struggles with mental health or are neurodiverse. The main goal

The Autism Network of Muskegon County

Our mission is to provide support and resource connections to the Autistic Community of Muskegon County and the surrounding areas. This includes providing education regarding Autism Spectrum Disorders, a list

Disability Network Northern Michigan

Based in Traverse City, Michigan, we’ve been serving people with disabilities, their families, and the Northern Lower Michigan community since 2002. Our staff provides information, assistance, and support to people

Wayne Center

Wayne Center is a non-profit human services agency with a 46 year history of providing supports coordination and clinical support to those persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Wayne Center

ASAN Autistic Self Advocacy Network

Our Mission The Autistic Self Advocacy Network seeks to advance the principles of the disability rights movement with regard to autism. ASAN believes that the goal of autism advocacy should

Jack’s Place for Autism

JACK’S PLACE for Autism Foundation is a 501(c)3 Michigan Non-Profit that provides family services for persons at any age with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) through a comprehensive menu of supportive,

Clubhouse Michigan


Organization for Autism Research (OAR)

OAR strives to make a difference in the daily lives of persons with autism and their families. We publish a series of practical, evidence-based guidebooks; maintain targeted, supportive websites; offer


OK2SAY is the student safety program that allows students to confidentially report tips on potential harm or criminal activities directed at students, school employees, and schools. OK2SAY is a nationally

The Crisis Center, Inc.

The Crisis Center, Inc., known and doing business as Listening Ear Crisis Center, is a private nonprofit, United Way human service agency based in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan providing services across

The Family Center

THE FAMILY CENTER of Grosse Pointe & Harper Woods The Family Center is a non-profit community organization that provides resources and preventative education to empower families to successfully navigate life’s

The Arc Livingston

The Arc Livingston exists to assist families and individuals with developmental disabilities by providing support, information and advocacy. Our goal is to help build a community that includes and values

Coalition for Community Choice

The Coalition for Community Choice advocates for the human and civil rights of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, autism, Down Syndrome, and other cognitive disabilities to be supported in

L.E.A.N. On Us

L.E.A.N On Us was founded in 2001 by Andrew and Carolyn Gammicchia.  At the time Carolyn was participating in the Partners in Policymaking training program in her state and this