Onna Solomon, LMSW
I am a therapist and educational consultant practicing in Ann Arbor, MI.
I provide individual, couples, and family therapy, specializing in parenting challenges, early childhood, and autism spectrum disorders. I am dedicated to helping individuals and families find meaning and joy in relationships.
I use a collaborative and empathetic approach with clients, drawing on family systems, cognitive-behavioral, play therapy, and psychodynamic models. I value playfulness and humor as a therapeutic tool for all ages.
I provide therapeutic and educational services in Ann Arbor and the Detroit metro area. You can read more about how I work with clients by following the links below:
Location: Ann Arbor
Service Address:
Contact Number:
Administrative Contact Number:
Administrative Email:
Category: Advocacy
Service: Educational Advocacy
Category: Autism Therapies
Service: Early Childhood Interventions
Category: Health Care
Service: Psychology, Social Work, Counseling
Category: Lifestyle Supports
Service: Caregiver Workshops