Moore Living Connections
Moore Living Connections: Assisted Living For The Disabled.
The primary purpose of Moore Living Connections is to provide a variety and continuum of housing options and residential services to adults with developmental disabilities. Applicants for residence of Moore Living Connections are considered according to their needs for specialized residential services (licensed settings), desire to live and participate more independently in the community (independent programs), along with their capacity to utilize program services and supervision toward that goal. Applicants are men and women with developmental disabilities to a degree requiring specialized services and/or some level of supervision of care (according to living situation).
Moore Living Connections in Michigan is an experienced housing developer and enjoys a working relationship with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA). Some individuals with disabilities, who may have been isolated from the mainstream of society for much of their lives, may be vulnerable and more susceptible than others to unscrupulous behavior. All staff members at Moore Living Connections are trained in this conceptual reality in potentially risky situations and in their individual relationship building processes with the consumers. In this way, the staff, in addition to providing guidance and support to each consumer, becomes the active role models for consumers.
Together, staff and consumers create the atmosphere of a home/program and contribute towards the day-to-day operating decisions of the home/program. Suggestions for changes and improvements are discussed at regular staff/consumer meetings. Moore Living Connections believes the best solutions to program problems come not from individual staff decisions, but from cooperative staff/consumer group discussions and decision-making processes.
Moore Living Connections Manistee, Michigan Office
- Manistee, MI
- Phone 517-393-2103
- Fax 517-393-4494
Location: Moore Living Connections
Service Address:
Contact Number:
Administrative Contact Number:
Administrative Email:
Category: Adult Services
Service: Adult Housing & Living Options