Michigan Ability Partners
At Michigan Ability Partners, we take pride in the one-on-one personalized care we offer to those we serve. We know that to create a lasting change for the better in someone’s life, a relationship must be established and a plan created. Over 1,500 people benefit from our services annually.
Since 1985, MAP has been able to be a consistent resource for those in need of a helping hand by implementing our ideas into these proven and effective programs.
Housing Support
MAP Housing Support staff work with participants in all MAP housing programs. They meet regularly with participants to emphasize daily living skills, increasing self-sufficiency and independence. MAP staff addresses barriers to stable housing such as chemical dependency, ex-offender status, poor mental health, or physical disability.
Permanent Supportive Housing
MAP maintains housing stability for the chronically homeless by offering subsidized rent and long-term case management services. MAP owns and operates seven properties, and continues to develop affordable housing. Participants eligible for this program are homeless, low-income, and have a documented disability.
Rapid re-housing
Rapid Re-Housing helps individuals experiencing homelessness quickly locate and obtain housing, and provides short-term rental assistance. Participants receive case management services to help them stabilize in their new home. MAP creates strong relationships with local landlords who work with us to serve those with housing barriers. Our SSVF program follows a ‘Housing First’ model, which recognizes that all participants needs can be addressed best when their housing is stabilized first.
Job Development
MAP teaches participants how to search for employment, and assists in that search. We help participants match their interests and abilities to opportunities in the local job market. MAP recruits local employers, and helps job seekers with resume writing and practice interviews.
job coaching
The first weeks and months in a new job can be the most difficult for those with employment barriers. MAP helps participants transition smoothly into their new employment. We work to increase comfort and social integration into the workplace, while securing necessary accommodations. MAP staff work alongside participants, encouraging and training them in time management, task completion, and other soft skills.
Pre-Employment Transition services
MAP prepares students with disabilities for the world of work. This program is for students ages 14 to 26 years old who have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and are referred by their home school district. We focus on job exploration, self-advocacy, peer mentoring, and workplace proficiency. Classroom learning is expanded by real-life work experience. Pre-Employment Training Services is a joint program between MAP and our partners at Michigan Rehabilitation Services (MRS).
Location: Ann Arbor Office
Category: Adult Services
Service: Adult Daily Living Supports (Respite, CLS, MDHHS, etc.)
Category: Adult Services
Service: Adult Financial Planning
Category: Adult Services
Service: Adult Housing & Living Options
Category: Adult Services
Service: Employment Supports
Category: Adult Services
Service: Adult Daily Living Supports (Respite, CLS, MDHHS, etc.)
Category: Adult Services
Service: Adult Financial Planning
Category: Adult Services
Service: Adult Housing & Living Options
Category: Adult Services
Service: Employment Supports