Jump-In Therapy & Wellness
Jacquelin Kilburn, President and owner of Occupational Therapy Services, established JUMP-IN™ Products in 1996. She originally developed and patented a handle for the Wilbarger therapy pressure brush. This brush handle allows the therapist or caregiver the ability to apply correct pressure without discomfort. The pliable handle molds easily to the hand for easy holding and use. Originally, JUMP-IN™ started out with four products. It is now an online order catalog that carries over 400 products distributed both in the United States and internationally.
- Occupational Therapy – Evaluation and Treatment
- Speech Evaluation & Treatment
- Sensory Integration Testing & Treatment
- Therapeutic Listening
- Interactive Metronome
- Therapeutic Exercises
- CranioSacral Therapy
- Myofascial Release
- Respiration
- Oral Motor
- Neurological Integration System
- Visceral Manipulation
- Visual Perceptual Evaluation
- Perceptual Motor Development
- Reflex Integration
- Quantum Reflex Inegration (Lazer)
- Developmental Stimulation
- Upper Body Strengthening
- Fine Motor Skill Development
- Core Strengthening
- Handwriting
- Social Skills Development
- In-Services
- Teacher Consultation
- Parent Training
- Sensory Processing
- Fine MotorSkills
- Gross MotorSkills
- Social Skills
- Speech/Language Skills
- Core Strength
- Learning Skills
- Performance of Daily Activities
Location: JUMP-IN Therapy and Wellness
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Category: Autism Related Products and Services
Service: Autism Related Products and Services
Category: Autism Therapies
Service: Occupational Therapy
Category: Autism Therapies
Service: Physical Therapy
Category: Community Activities
Service: Summer and Therapy Camps