Programs and Services
Emergency Services: · Qualified Mental Health Professionals are available for crisis services. Emergency services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. Accommodations for persons with hearing loss, vision impairments, alternative language needs, physical impairments, reading impairments, etc. will be made as necessary
Intensive Crisis Stabilization Services: · Intensive/Crisis Stabilization Services are structured treatment and support activities provided by a multidisciplinary team and designed to provide short-term alter-native to inpatient psychiatric services. Services may be used to avert a psychiatric admission or to shorten the length of an inpatient stay when clinically indicated.
Outpatient Services: · Outpatient services are provided to individuals with mental illness, emotional dis-orders, and/or cooccurring disorders (mental illness and substance use disorder). Through the assessment process it may be determined that individuals require care beyond Outpatient Services.
Psychiatric Services: · Psychiatric assessments, medication review, & supportive nursing services.
Supported/Integrated Employment Services: · Supported Employment is the combination of ongoing support services and paid employment that enables the individual to work in the community.
Support and Service Coordination: · Supports coordination works with the person served to assure all necessary sup-ports and services are provided to enable the beneficiary to achieve community inclusion and participation, productivity, and independence in home- and community based settings.
Targeted Case Management: · Assists consumers with obtaining basic needs and supportive services such as housing (independent or supervised living), transportation, medical care, disability income education, and/or vocational programming.
Home Based Services: · Intensive services for seriously disturbed children and their families provided in the home and community, reducing hospitalizations and out of home placements. Home Based combines therapy, family skills development, and case management to promote healthy family functioning.
Assertive Community Treatment (ACT): · Intensive community based support to help consumers reduce the frequency and length of psychiatric hospital stays, foster the recovery process from serious and persistent mental illness, and to manage their lives in their homes and the community.
Community Living Supports (CLS) Services: · Community Living Supports (CLS) are medically necessary supports and services used to increase or maintain personal self-sufficiency to facilitate an individual’s achievement of his/her greatest potential and goals of community inclusion and participation, independence or productivity when identified in the individual plan of service as one or more of the goals developed during person-centered planning.
Clubhouse Psychosocial Rehabilitation Programs: · A Clubhouse is a community-based program organized to support individuals living with mental illness. Participants are known as Clubhouse members, and member choice is a key feature of the model. Clubhouses are vibrant, dynamic communities where meaningful work opportunities drive the need for member participation, thereby creating an environment where empowerment, relationship-building, skill development and related competencies are gained.
Peer-Delivered or Peer-Operated Support Services: · Activities provided by peers are completed in partnership with individuals for the specific purpose of achieving increased individual community inclusion and participation, independence and productivity.
Respite Services: · Respite care services are provided to the family on an intermittent or short-term basis because of the absence or need for relief of the parent or caregiver.
Skill Building Assistance: · Skill Building Assistance consists of activities identified in the individual plan of services and designed by a professional within his/her scope of practice that assist a beneficiary to increase his economic selfsufficiency and/or to engage in meaningful activities such as school, work, and/or volunteering.
Wraparound Services: · Wraparound services for children and adolescents is a highly individualized planning process facilitated by specialized supports coordinators. Wraparound utilizes a Child and Family Team, with team members determined by the family often rep-resenting multiple agencies and informal supports.
Parent-to-Parent Support: · Parent-to-Parent Support is designed to support parents/family of children with serious emotional disturbance or intellectual/developmental disabilities, including autism, as part of the treatment process to be empowered, confident and have knowledge and skills that will enable the parent/family to improve their child’s and family’s functioning.
Drop-in Centers: · Peer-Run Drop-In Centers provide an informal, supportive environment to assist beneficiaries adults with mental illness in the recovery process.
Behavior Health Treatment (BHT)/Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA): · BHT services prevent the progression of Autism Spectrum Disorder, prolong life, and promote the physical and mental health and efficiency of the child. Medical necessity and recommendation for BHT services is determined by a physician, or other licensed practitioner working within their scope of practice under state law. Direct patient care services that treat or address ASD under the state plan are avail-able to children under 21years of age as required by the EPSDT benefit.
· ABA is the science of analyzing socially significant behavior and producing behavior change by modifying related environmental variables. ABA services may be used to address issues relevant to those with Autism Spectrum Disorder including, but not limited to, language acquisition, peer interactions and social skills, following routines, self-help and daily living skills, and reducing challenging behaviors.