Detroit Mercy Psychology Clinic
Detroit Mercy’s Psychology Clinic psychological services for children, adolescents and adults can help you cope with:
- Emotional issues like low self-esteem, depression or grief.
- Big life changes like job loss or living on your own.
- Recent stress like loss of a loved one, divorce or major illness.
- Relationship issues such as marital problems, parenting children and teens or conflicts with your boss or coworkers.
We can also help you with psychological testing and assessment services that:
- Sort out emotional concerns.
- Resolve trouble paying attention.
- Determine if your child is ready for school, has a learning problem or is gifted.
- Understand feelings that create anxiety about doing well at school or work.
The Psychology Clinic is available to university students, staff and residents of the entire metropolitan Detroit area. Fees are based on household income. We do not accept insurance. Your sessions are completely confidential. All services are provided by graduate students in clinical psychology who are supervised by licensed psychologists. Client sessions may be video or audio recorded to assist with graduate training and supervision. The Psychology Clinic serves children age 3 and older, adolescents and adults.
When you request services, you will speak with a clinic assistant who will provide general information about the clinic and will obtain your contact and background information. A member of the clinical staff will call you within 48 hours to arrange for services.
Location: McNichols Campus
Service Address:
Contact Number:
Administrative Contact Number:
Administrative Email:
Category: ASD Diagnostic and Other Evaluations
Service: Additional Diagnostic Evaluations (Neuropsychological Evaluations)
Category: Health Care
Service: Psychology, Social Work, Counseling
Category: Lifestyle Supports
Service: Caregiver Workshops