Canton Leisure Services Inclusive Recreation
Canton Leisure Services is committed to an inclusive approach to recreation, which allows for individuals with disabilities to participate in programs and activities as fully as possible, while providing reasonable accommodations.
Therapeutic Recreation (or “TR”) accommodations typically include individualized techniques and resources that enhance participation without fundamentally altering a program.
Individuals participating in Canton’s Therapeutic Recreation programming must be able to accomplish personal skills like feeding, toileting, and dressing themselves. Individuals who are unable to accomplish these skills on their own may participate with assistance from an aide, family member, or other personal resource. If an aide will be attending the program with your participant, please make sure he/she is registered too. This helps us better plan and cover any additional expenses that may be incurred.
Location: Canton
Service Address:
Contact Number:
Administrative Contact Number:
Administrative Email:
Category: Community Activities
Service: Adaptive Sports
Category: Community Activities
Service: Recreation Activities
Category: Community Activities
Service: Social Group Activities
Category: Community Activities
Service: Summer and Therapy Camps