Autism Alliance of Michigan drives new path toward equity & adequacy in special education finance reform


In March 2024, the Autism Alliance of Michigan made a public call for Special Education Finance Reform


Look for our working paper – coming soon!


A New Path Toward Equity and Adequacy

The Autism Alliance of Michigan has been engaging with national experts on school finance and special education to look toward a broader vision of system transformation with the aim of increasing high-quality, inclusive opportunities for students with disabilities as well as improving educational outcomes (which is desperately needed in our state). This work will align efforts toward re-imagining how our system serves kids with disabilities from PreK through post-secondary.


Michigan systematically fails students with disabilities.

Outcomes of students with disabilities in Michigan are unacceptably low –

  • poor proficiency rates in reading & math, extremely low graduation rates, overuse of alternate assessments, poor inclusion rates, overuse of exclusionary discipline tactics


Michigan’s current reimbursement rate for special education costs is the lowest in the nation of states using a similar funding method.


Michigan spends roughly $4 billion on special education across multiple sources (Federal, State, ISD/RESAs, LEA general fund).

    • Simply closing the “shortfall gap” does not mean “fully funding” special education.
    • Current approach assumes amount spent by districts (reimbursement) is providing adequate & appropriate (effective) supports for meeting the needs of disabled students. This has not shown to be true based on performance outcomes or in family experiences.


There are structural problems with how Michigan funds special education.

Current efforts to address special education funding have been marginal improvements on past practices, but are minimal, and will not raise Michigan’s students with disabilities from the bottom rung of performance outcomes compared to other states.


Michigan students need comprehensive special education finance reform.

  • Research and analysis need to be done to determine a special education funding formula that will drive resources to where they are needed most.
  • The current status quo of the system is unacceptable.
  • We must focus on the needs of students.