Adapted from MDHHS-Spread Hope Not Covid FAQ
In the five months since COVID-19 vaccines have become available, more than 4 million Michigan residents have been vaccinated — accounting for more than half of Michiganders 16 years of age and older and as of May 13, 2021, all Michigan residents 12 years of age and older are eligible to receive COVID-19 vaccines.
Getting vaccinated means faster return to social activities and peace of mind knowing you and your loved ones are protected. While it’s understandable that you may have questions about vaccine safety and want to be cautious, it’s important that all eligible individuals be vaccinated against COVID-19. Vaccination is key to raising the level of immunity in the population and limiting the spread of COVID-19.
Successful vaccination can be challenging for people with autism and other developmental disabilities, but agencies across the state have begun offering vaccine clinics that are able to provide additional support, if needed. For more information on these clinics, contact an AAoM Navigator by calling 877-463-2266 or emailing
Additional information on COVID-19 vaccination can be found at: MDHHS COVID-19 Vaccine Information
COVID-19 Vaccination Social Story: