As you may have read, the National Health Statistics Report released a report today including new data that indicates 1 in 45 children have an autism spectrum disorder. This study focuses on the manner questions were presented to parents largely because in previous years ‘developmental disabilities’ were reported in addition to, or instead of, ASD. In the 2014 study, parents were first asked whether their child had ever been given an autism spectrum diagnosis , and then asked if there were other developmental delays.
While this is another valuable reminder that we need to continue to expand awareness of autism spectrum disorders and strive for early diagnosis and intervention, we also note that these numbers are based on parent interviews and reflect a change in the manner of collecting data.
The Autism Alliance of Michigan monitors nationwide and worldwide prevalence data, however our focus is and always has been, on families in the state of Michigan. We launched our Voluntary Statewide Autism Registry this spring- an 18 item caregiver or individual survey- specifically to collect data about the numbers and the needs of families managing autism in Michigan.
If you have not already done so, please take a few minutes and complete this online, confidential survey, to help us advocate for funds and resources in the areas where families need it most!”
[button color=”green” size=”large” align=”center” link=””]Join the Michigan Registry![/button]
Link to original 1 in 45 news article: