Many Hands – Lifesharing Community
Our staff & volunteers
Many Hands Lifesharing Community is very attractive to high quality staff with lower than average turn-over. It has been shown at other Lifesharing communities that many people desire to live and work in these environments. Everyone including the caregiver or PAL has a sense of belonging through meaningful connections with others. Providing the PALs with compensation in the form of a beautiful home and quality food along with learning opportunities are some of the ways we show how much they are valued.
Many Hands is pulling from a slightly different pool of workers than regularly paid Direct Care Professionals. We are creating a learning environment to educate and train the next generation of teachers, therapists, nurses, social workers, farmers and public health policy makers. Many Hands will work to be a top choice for local college and university programs to send their students for experience and internships. By having MHLC Board of Director members from the University of Michigan School of Social Work, Public Health, or Kinesiology and Eastern Michigan University School of Education to help facilitate this relationship. The Farm Manager will be trained in Biodynamic, an organic regenerative agriculture technique.
Founder’s Story
In 2005 our founder, Kerry Kafafian realized her then 8 year old son will always need direct care and can never be left alone. After 16 years of researching and traveling to visit programs in many states, she decided that a farm-based Lifesharing model is a place she would feel good about moving her now 24 year old son too. In April 2019 Kerry reached out to other parents and said since we can not find a place we would want for our children to live, we need to create one. A new housing community is being developed in Washtenaw County, Michigan with the support of many dedicated people.
Our mission
Build and sustain quality care, housing, learning and activities for those with a disability, while educating our next generation of service professionals using a Lifesharing model.
Location: Many Hands - Lifesharing Community
Contact Number:
Administrative Contact Number:
Administrative Email:
Category: Adult Services
Service: Additional Adult Services