Christian Care Connection, LLC
Christian Care Connection: Emotional and relational healing through professional Christian counseling
A warm, caring, and skilled member of our counseling and therapy team looks forward to speaking with you – confidentially, of course. You will find our main office just one mile north of Alexis in Lambertville, Michigan. However, we also have satellite offices in Ann Arbor, Michigan; Dundee, Michigan; Blissfield, Michigan; Monroe, Michigan; Perrysburg, Ohio and downtown Toledo, Ohio.
Location: Dundee Office
Service Address:
Contact Number:
Category: Health Care
Service: Psychology, Social Work, Counseling
Location: Ann Arbor Office - Atria Business Park
Service Address:
Contact Number:
Category: Health Care
Service: Psychology, Social Work, Counseling
Location: Lambertville Office - Business Plus Building
Service Address:
Contact Number:
Category: Health Care
Service: Psychology, Social Work, Counseling
Location: Blissfield Office
Service Address:
Contact Number:
Category: Health Care
Service: Psychology, Social Work, Counseling
Location: Monroe Office
Service Address:
Contact Number:
Category: Health Care
Service: Psychology, Social Work, Counseling