About the Navigating Autism Today: Grand Rapids Conference

You are invited to join Autism Alliance of Michigan for the third annual Navigating Autism Today Conference: Grand Rapids on Friday, November 15, 2024 at the L.V. Eberhard Center (GVSU Campus) in Grand Rapids, MI.



Navigating Autism Today Conference: Grand Rapids
November 15, 2024
Grand Valley State University: Pew Campus
L.V. Eberhard Center (EC)
301 Fulton St. W
Grand Rapids, MI 49504


Schedule of the Day:
8:00am-9:00am: Registration, Vendor Fair & Breakfast
9:00am-9:10am: CEO Welcome
9:10am-10:10am: Keynote Speaker

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10:20am-11:20am: Breakout Session A
11:30am-12:30pm: Breakout Session B
12:30pm-1:30pm: Lunch & Vendor Fair
1:30pm-2:30pm: Breakout Session C
2:40pm-3:40pm: Breakout Session D

The mission of the Navigating Autism Today Conference is to provide autistic people and their loved ones with education, resources, and support in the areas of early diagnosis, education, and adulthood. Our goal is that attendees feel better equipped to navigate their unique journey with autism. 

Attendees will spend their day in four breakout sessions hosted by professional speakers. There will be a diverse variety of topics and speakers to choose from so attendees can design their day to best reflect their unique interests. The event also provides a keynote speaker, complimentary breakfast & lunch, networking opportunities, and an autism resource fair.

Please review AAoM’s accessibility statement regarding this public event

Break Room Location: The Foundation Room (near registration)

Break Room Rules:

  • Silence all electronic devices before entering
  • Be respectful of others’ shared use of the space (e.g., refrain from eating, etc.)
  • Save conversations for outside of this space

Thank you for being courteous!